Fake Credit Card Generator

Fake Credit Card Number Generator

Fake Credit Card Number Generator

Credit card number generators are essential tools in the e-commerce industry, especially for testing and validation purposes. These generators create random, valid-looking credit card numbers which, while not linked to any financial institution, mimic the structure of actual credit card numbers. This article explores the working principles, features, risks, and limitations of credit card number generators, and delves into their usage across various scenarios.

What are Credit Card Number Generators?

A fake credit card number generator is an online tool designed to produce random credit card numbers that appear legitimate. These numbers are primarily used for testing e-commerce applications and payment gateways to ensure that systems handle card data correctly. Using actual credit card details for testing can lead to security concerns and unintentional transactions, which is why fake credit card generators are valuable.

How Do They Work?

Most credit card number generators employ the Luhn algorithm, developed by Hans Peter Luhn, an IBM engineer, in 1954. This algorithm is widely used in the financial industry to validate credit card numbers. It ensures that the generated numbers adhere to the correct format, making them suitable for testing purposes.

Usage of Credit Card Generators

Credit card generators are predominantly used for testing and validation in various business areas. Let’s explore these uses in more detail:

Software and Payment Gateway Testing

  1. E-commerce Development: Developers use these generators to test payment processing systems, ensuring that their code correctly handles credit card data.
  2. Payment Gateway Testing: Payment gateways are tested to ensure that there are no security threats and that the transaction flow is smooth.
  3. Fraud Detection Systems: Anti-fraud software developers use generated numbers to test their systems’ ability to detect fraudulent transactions.

Educational Purpose

  1. Academic Training: Students learning about e-commerce, finance, or cybersecurity use these generators to understand credit card transactions.
  2. Demonstrations: These generators are used in classrooms to teach about credit card processing, security measures, and fraud detection without risking actual card details.

Quality Assurance and Compliance Testing

  1. Compliance with Standards: Businesses use generated numbers to ensure systems comply with standards like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
  2. System Reliability and Performance Testing: Testers use these numbers to simulate large transactions, ensuring system reliability and efficiency.

Application Prototyping

  1. Design and User Experience Testing: During the design phase, fake credit card numbers test user interfaces and experiences without real transactions.

Validation Tools

  1. Format and Structure Checking: Generated numbers help create validation tools to ensure that entered credit card numbers are correctly formatted before processing.

Mechanism Behind Credit Card Generators

Major Industry Identifier (MII)

The MII is the first digit on the credit card, indicating the primary industry of the card issuer. For example:

  • 3: Travel and entertainment (e.g., American Express)
  • 4 & 5: Banking and financial institutions (e.g., Visa, MasterCard)
  • 6: Merchandising and banking/financial

Issuer Identification Number (IIN)

The IIN consists of the first six digits, including the MII. It identifies the card-issuing institution, aiding in transaction routing and security.

Pros and Cons of Credit Card Generators


  • Safe Testing and Development: Risk-free testing of payment processing systems.
  • Error Handling and Functionality Verification: Helps test system robustness.
  • Educational Tool: Useful in academic settings.
  • Compliance Testing: Ensures compliance with standards like PCI DSS.
  • User Interface Testing: Facilitates testing of payment system interfaces.
  • Free and Accessible: Often available for free and easy to use.


  • Legal and Ethical Issues: Using generated numbers for fraudulent activities is illegal and unethical.
  • Limited Application: Not valid for actual transactions.
  • Potential Security Risks: Some websites offering these generators might pose security risks.
  • Verification Failures: Often fail real-world verification checks.
  • Misuse Potential: Risk of misuse by individuals unaware of legal implications.
  • Trust and Credibility Issues: Can impact user trust and developer credibility.

Online Credit Card Generators vs. Payment Gateways

Using credit card generators may not always be effective for completing purchases, as payment gateways often recognize these cards as invalid. Instead, major payment gateways provide ‘test credit cards’ for comprehensive testing. These cards simulate various scenarios, including successful transactions, declined payments, and fraud prevention, ensuring thorough testing of the payment gateway integration.

Top Payment Gateway Providers and Test Card Details


  • Interactive Testing: 4242 4242 4242 4242 (Visa)
  • Cards by brand, country, declined payments, fraud prevention, disputes, and refunds: More details on the Stripe website.


  • Valid card numbers, unsuccessful verification, type indicators, region-specific: More details on the Braintree website.


  • Successful payments, card error scenarios, rejection scenarios: Example: 3714 4963 5398 431 (American Express). More details on the PayPal tools page.


  • Positive flow cards, SCA, risk testing: Detailed information on the Square website.


  • Positive flows, verification failure, insufficient funds, 3DS cards: More details on the Chargebee website.

Amazon Pay

  • Non 3-D secure cards, 3-D secure cards, declined & uncertain cards, installment cards, debit cards: More details on the Amazon Pay website.


  • Visa, MasterCard, Amex, BCMC, China UnionPay, Diners, Discover: More details on the Adyen website.


  • American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners Club, Visa, MasterCard: More details on the Authorize.net website.


  • Multiple test card details for various brands: More details on the PayJunction website.


  • Domestic and International cards for Visa, MasterCard: More details in the Razorpay tutorial.

Safety of Using testRigor’s Card Generator

Unlike other tools, testRigor offers a secure way to generate credit card numbers directly within the automation test step, eliminating the need for third-party integrations. The generated credit card numbers can be filled in relevant text fields and saved for future use with simple English commands, ensuring a secure and streamlined testing process.


plaintextCopy codeopen url "https://www.amazon.com"
click "Sign In"
enter stored value "email" into "email"
click "Continue"
enter stored value "password" into "password"
click "Login"
enter "Men's Printed Shirt" roughly to the left of "search"
click "Search"
click on image from stored value "Men's Printed Shirt" with less than "10" % discrepancy
click "Add to Cart"
click "Cart"
click "Checkout"
click "Pay by Credit Card"
generate from template "4###-####-####-####", then enter into "card" and save as "generatedCard"
enter stored value "expiry" into "valid till"
enter stored value "cvv" into "cvv"
click "Place Order"

This example demonstrates the simplicity and security of using testRigor’s credit card generation method.


Validating payment gateways is crucial during application testing, but using real credit card information poses significant security risks. Credit card generators provide a safer alternative, but it is essential to ensure the tool’s security. testRigor offers a secure and straightforward solution, integrating credit card generation directly within the testing process. This approach ensures thorough and safe testing, making it an excellent choice for developers and testers